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*3001#12345#* tap Call. Enter Field Mode. Field mode contains lots of iPhone inner settings, especially newest network and cell information.

*#06# Shows your IMEI. No need to tap Call. IMEI is the unique identifier for your mobile phone hardware. *777# tap Call. Account balance for prepaid iPhone only.

*225# tap Call. Bill Balance. (Postpaid only) *646# tap Call. Check minutes (Postpaid only).

*#21# tap Call. Set interrogationfor call forwards. Discover the settings for your call forwarding. You’ll see whether you have voice, data, fax, SMS, sync, async, packet access, and pad access call forwarding enabled or disabled.

*#30# tap Call. Check the calling line presentation. This shows whether you have enabled or disabled the presentation of the calling line, presumably the number of the party placing the call.

*#76# tap Call. Check whether the connected line presentation isenabled or not. State whether the connected line presentation is enabled or disabled. Similar to thecalling line presentation.

*#43# tap Call. Determine if call waiting is enabled. Shows call waiting status for voice, data, fax,SMS, sync data, async data, packetaccess and pad access. Each item is either enabled or disabled.

*#61# tap Call. Check the number for unanswered calls. Show the number for voice call forwarding when a call is unanswered. Also show the options for data, fax, SMS, sync, async, packet access and pad access.

*#62# tap Call. Check the number for call forwarding if no service is available. Just like the previous, except for no-service rather than no-answer situations.

*#67# tap Call. Check the number for call forwarding whenthe iPhone is busy. And again, butfor when the iPhone is busy.

*#33# tap Call. Check for call control bars. Check all the usual suspects (voice, data, fax,SMS, etc)to see whether barring is enabledor disabled for outgoing.

Increase iPhone 3G’s Battery Life

Change screen brightness the screen brightens uses more battery power.

Change this underSettings -> Brightness

Turn off 3G If you are in a location

where 3G does not work, then you will not need to activate this service on your iphone and you do not get any benefit from the phone battery-hungry 3G radio. By turning it off, you double the length of your iPhone 3G battery, 5 hours of talk time to 10. For turning off 3G : In home screen, tap Settings / General / Network / Enable 3G Off

Turn off Wi-Fi

As with 3G , If you are in a location where Wi-Fi does not work, then you will not need to activate this service on your iphone and you do not get any benefit from the phone battery. to do that : In home screen, tap Settings/Wi-Fi/On/Off.

Turn off Bluetooth

If you’re not using a Bluetooth headset, then for heaven’s sake shut down that Bluetooth radio. In Settings, tap General, and turn off Bluetooth.

Turn off push e-mail

If your email, calendar, and address book are kept constantly synced with your Macs or PCs, then you’ve probably gotten yourself involved with Yahoo Mail, Microsoft Exchange , or MobileMe . It’s pretty amazing to know that your iPhone is constantly kept current with the mothership-but all that continual sniffing of the airwaves, looking for updates, costs you battery power. If you can do without the immediacy, visit Settings / Fetch New Data ; consider turning off Push and letting your iPhone check for new information, say, every 15, 30, or 60 minutes.

Turn off GPS

If you are not be needing the iPhone to track your location, save it the power required to operate the GPS chip and the other location circuits. In Settings, tap General, and turn off Location Services

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